BIBLE Study at St. Julia: “Angels in the Bible” A Six-week Discernment on Tuesdays, Sept. 26 – Oct 31 @ 9am - 11am The Bible is full of passages about angels who are sent to accomplish God’s will. Angels speak for God, direct the course of nations, and protect God’s people. … [Read more...]
ENCOUNTER the Lord: Summer with Scripture | June 1 – Sept 3
SEVEN SATURDAYS of Bible Courses from the Missionary Servants of the Word! ARE YOU: • A person who desires to have a deep encounter with the Lord through the Scriptures? • A person who desires to learn more about the teachings of the Catholic Church? The Archdiocese of Boston & The … [Read more...]
JOIN Us: Third Annual Race Amity Day | Sunday, Jun 11 @ 6 – 7:30 pm
What is Race Amity Day? Race Amity Day is observed annually on the second Sunday of June. It started in 1957 in the United States by the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly. The purpose was to combat racism by focusing attention on racial prejudice. Racism is the belief that humans are divided … [Read more...]
GRAZE in the Grass: Outdoor SVdP Concert at Pierce Park | May 30 @ 5:30 PM
Bring a blanket or chairs! Make Your Online (Ticket) Donation Here: $25. / person … [Read more...]
Is JESUS Calling you? Join Deacon Phil to Explore: May 8, 15, 22 @ 7-8:30pm
IS JESUS Calling You? Come Find Out... May 8, 15, 22 @ 7 - 8:30 PM St. Julia Parish Center We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song! Is it possible that Jesus is calling you? How does He call, and what is He calling you to? How will you respond? Deacon … [Read more...]
GIVE Warmth: St. Julia Sock Collection til January 29
GIVE WARMTH: Donate Socks to St. Julia Parish's Annual Sock Drive Collection NOW through Sunday, January 29th, 2023 Having clean, warm socks is a dignity many of us take for granted. Please join St. Julia parish, organized by parishioner Mrs. Pat Dacey, in providing people in our local … [Read more...]
WALK to Benefit SVdP: Oct 22 in Weston + Ice Cream Social
Scroll down BELOW image to click on the REGISTRATION LINK >>>> CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! DOWNLOAD THE FLYER (PDF) HERE. … [Read more...]
JOIN US: Kat Chapman Concert | Pierce Lawn Sept 14 @ 3:30 – 5pm
Kat Chapman (formerly known as Katrin) has a soulful voice and pure, raw and honest songs. Her journey as a self taught songwriter and guitarist has taken Kat from her street performing roots to stages shared with the likes of Boz Scaggs, John Sebastian, Chris Isaak and Joan Armatrading. With her … [Read more...]
Celebrate with Us: A Festival on Race Amity Day | June 12
Join our faith communities to celebrate! RACE AMITY DAY FESTIVAL Sunday, June 12th @ 6 - 7:30 pm Weston Town Green All are welcome! This year, initial co-sponsors from St. Julia Parish Social Justice Commission, Weston United Methodist Church, First Parish Weston, … [Read more...]
Be Part of God’s Plan(et) | A Virtual Workshop: March 12
Join us for a Virtual Workshop GOD'S PLAN(ET): Heal our Common Home and Respond to the Cry of the Poor Saturday, March 12 @11am - 12:30pm EST Co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston Social Justice Ministry, the Diocese of Worcester Environmental Stewardship Ministry and the Boston … [Read more...]
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