Together, we can continue our mission and help your neighbors in need! MANY Hands Make Light Work... Here's How... We Need Drivers! An Easy Volunteer Opportunity... Do you have a truck or van and can help? We are looking for a few volunteers to help with transporting food pick-ups. We … [Read more...]
St. Vincent de Paul- St. Joseph Conference
at St. Julia Parish
Members of SVDP are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to neighbors in need. We are part of a worldwide Catholic lay organization whose mission is to end poverty through systemic change. Our activities in our parish focus on two areas:
The pantry is located at St. Joseph church and is open once a month. We serve 22 families, or 43 people, who receive bags that contain nonperishable foods donated from three sources: parishioner food and monetary donations, donations from other church groups, and about 50% of food comes from the GBFB (Greater Boston Food Bank). Many SVDP volunteers work behind the scenes to ensure that the pantry runs smoothly and meets the needs of its clients. Some provide home deliveries for clients who are disabled or don’t have transportation.
We support families and individuals in emergency situations. We make a personal connection, offer support, gather information, and provide referrals to other agencies. Financial support is usually targeted to meet rent or utility payments, heating oil, car repairs, or medications; a sub-committee of members makes decisions on financial assistance.
Meetings: SVDP meets about eight times each year, from 1-2:30 PM, at St. Joseph Church. Subcommittees meet more frequently, as needed.
Challenges and Chief Needs? New members are needed to visit, work with, and help clients. Monetary donations enable SVDP to continue its work, and can always be given through the "Poor Boxes" in our churches. Donations to the food pantry are needed each month. These can be left in the boxes in each church and our parish center. Email Ursula Nowak for information on volunteer opportunities.
Looking for help? Call the parish at 781-899-2611 to get connected to the services of the St. Vincent de Paul society.
TRANSFORM Lives Near & Far: NPH/USA + SVdP
Want to make a real, tangible difference in the lives of your neighbors, near and far? SUPPORT Our Brothers & Sisters: Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) NPH USA: Ross Egge Shares His Experience in Honduras Dear St. Julia Family! Thank you for your generous support of Nuestros Pequeños … [Read more...]
SPREAD JOY: Christmas Tree Gift Wish Tags are ON starting Nov. 25
2023 Annual Christmas Tree Giving is ON! Christmas Gift Wish Tags are now ON the Christmas Trees in St. Julia and St. Joseph Churches! Please consider how your Christmas gifts will benefit the SVdP children of our Lincoln and Weston communities and children of our sister parish in … [Read more...]
GRAZE in the Grass: Outdoor SVdP Concert at Pierce Park | May 30 @ 5:30 PM
Bring a blanket or chairs! Make Your Online (Ticket) Donation Here: $25. / person … [Read more...]
WALK to Benefit SVdP: Oct 22 in Weston + Ice Cream Social
Scroll down BELOW image to click on the REGISTRATION LINK >>>> CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! DOWNLOAD THE FLYER (PDF) HERE. … [Read more...]
JOIN US: Kat Chapman Concert | Pierce Lawn Sept 14 @ 3:30 – 5pm
Kat Chapman (formerly known as Katrin) has a soulful voice and pure, raw and honest songs. Her journey as a self taught songwriter and guitarist has taken Kat from her street performing roots to stages shared with the likes of Boz Scaggs, John Sebastian, Chris Isaak and Joan Armatrading. With her … [Read more...]
Donate: SVdP Spring/Summer Clothing Drive Begins May 1
CLEANING OUT YOUR CLOSETS THIS SPRING? The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP), Lincoln/Weston and First Parish of Lincoln are teaming up again for a "Spring Into Summer" Clothing Drive! Drop-Off Your Clothing Donations @ First Parish Stone Church: Sat. May 1 - Thu. May 20 SVdP clients and your … [Read more...]
Help Your Neighbor Now: Weston CARES Fund & SVDP
The Weston CARES Fund in partnership with Society of St. Vincent de Paul wants to Help Neighbors in Need During the Pandemic In just a matter of months, COVID-19 has upended life as we know it. The disruption caused by the virus has been fierce and far-reaching, affecting everyone, especially … [Read more...]
Fundraiser Walk for SVdP
Saint Vincent de Paul Society of St. Julia Parish “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” Walk September 28, 2019 St. Julia Church, Weston Registration/Check-In: 9:30 am Walk: 10:00 am Ice Cream Social: 11:00 am Donation: $10.00 per person/$25.00 per family The Saint Vincent de Paul Society of St. … [Read more...]
St. Vincent de Paul Easter Meals
ST. JULIA PARISH LENTEN/EASTER OPPORTUNITY In the Bible we read that Jesus asks us to feed the hungry. During this season of Lent our St Julia Parish Saint Vincent de Paul Conference is offering you an opportunity to do that. Presently SVdP is serving 65 Households / 146 clients. As we have done … [Read more...]