A Lenten Seven-week (March 4 - April 15) Discernment on The Gospel According to St. Luke, Part One All are welcome to join us Tuesdays during Lent to study the Gospel of St. Luke demonstrates the universal nature of Jesus' mission and the compassion of God. Part One of this study includes Luke … [Read more...]
Adult Faith Formation Commission
Adult Faith Formation is concerned with the ongoing faith life of adults. It asks the question: What do adults within the parish community need in order to grow in their faith?
The goals of faith formation are: holiness of life (deepening of relationship with Christ in everyday life), active participation in the Christian community and service of God and neighbor.
In 1999, the U.S. Bishops identified six dimensions of adult faith, each of which they described as "a fundamental aspect of Christian life and a foundational content area for adult faith formation" (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, 90-96). Those dimensions are:
- knowledge of the faith
- liturgical life
- moral formation
- prayer
- communal life
- outreach/social action.
The Adult Faith Formation Commission is concerned with the ongoing faith life of adults, encouraging deeper formation in one's faith with relevance to these 6 foundational areas. Recent focuses have been on exploring ways to pray and on practical ongoing ways to learn and grow as a disciple of Christ.
The AFF Commission has evening meetings, monthly, September to June. Current members are Carolyn Camerato, Kelly Dunn, Lorraine Fiore, Fr. Paul Kenney, SJ, Kathleen Logan-Prince, Alpheen Menachery, and our pastoral associate, Andrea Jackson. Email Andrea for more information or to join the commission.
Recent Activity:
CHALLENGE: A Jesus-Led Life in 10 Weeks, 10 Ways! Mondays, Sept.16 – Oct. 14 @ 7pm
The 10:10 Challenge Continues this Fall! Final Session is Mon. October 14 @ 7pm Are you looking for new ways to deepen your relationship with the risen Jesus, who comes to us in Eucharist, Scripture and Prayer? In John 10:10, Jesus tells us why He came: “that they may have life, and … [Read more...]
JOIN: A Lenten Small Group and Seek Jesus Together!
Don't Do Lent Alone! Small Groups have formed and are underway! Lenten Small Groups meet for 6 weeks, beginning the first/second week of Lent. Have you tried to pray more or read Scripture for Lent, only to fall short of your goal? A small group gives us supportive and encouraging communities that … [Read more...]
COME & Discuss: Lenten Series Final Talk with Msgr. William Fay | Mar 18
St. Julia Parish Lenten Series: "The Beauty of the Church's Social Doctrine" with Msgr. William Fay, PhD Final Talk: Monday, Mar 18 @ 7 - 8PM in Parish Center Hall If you missed the previous four sessions, it's not too late to catch the final Talk with Msgr. William Fay. … [Read more...]
DISCERN with Us: Angels! Bible Study on Tuesdays Sept 26 – Oct. 31
BIBLE Study at St. Julia: “Angels in the Bible” A Six-week Discernment on Tuesdays, Sept. 26 – Oct 31 @ 9am - 11am The Bible is full of passages about angels who are sent to accomplish God’s will. Angels speak for God, direct the course of nations, and protect God’s people. … [Read more...]
ENCOUNTER the Lord: Summer with Scripture | June 1 – Sept 3
SEVEN SATURDAYS of Bible Courses from the Missionary Servants of the Word! ARE YOU: • A person who desires to have a deep encounter with the Lord through the Scriptures? • A person who desires to learn more about the teachings of the Catholic Church? The Archdiocese of Boston & The … [Read more...]
Is JESUS Calling you? Join Deacon Phil to Explore: May 8, 15, 22 @ 7-8:30pm
IS JESUS Calling You? Come Find Out... May 8, 15, 22 @ 7 - 8:30 PM St. Julia Parish Center We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song! Is it possible that Jesus is calling you? How does He call, and what is He calling you to? How will you respond? Deacon … [Read more...]
Join Fr. Bob on Zoom: Final Session May 28
Fr. Bob's Lecture Series on the Second Vatican Council Resumes on Zoom Thursdays: May 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th @ 11am With the gift of technology, Fr. Bob will be able to resume his presentations online via Zoom starting at 11am, Thursday, May 7th. He will … [Read more...]
Lenten Scripture Series Starts Feb. 27
ADULT LENTEN SCRIPTURE SERIES RETURNS! Presented by Fr. Robert Braunreuther, SJ ALL ARE WELCOME! (You won't have to give up your morning coffee...) 6 Thursday Mornings of Lent: February 27 - April 2, 2020 10am - 11:30am at the St. Julia Parish Center Hall, Weston Free to all; coffee will … [Read more...]
Register: JustFaith Boston | Tools for Transformation Mar. 8
Tools for Transformation A presentation by JustFaith Ministries Sunday, March 8, 2020 6:00-6:30 pm (Social Time) 6:30-8:00 pm (Program) St. Julia Parish Center, Weston, MA Free to all, but registration required: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. JustFaith Ministries seeks to connect, equip … [Read more...]