The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) serves as the chief advisory body, working closely with the pastor, the parish staff and the Parish Finance Council, in order to articulate the concerns and identify the unique vision of this parish. The PPC meets ten times per year from September through June. Adult members of the council are nominated from the parish community and are appointed each spring for a term of three years. A youth member is chosen annually. Council meetings are public and all parishioners are welcome to attend them. Contact Bob Lewis or Gail Murphy (current co-chairs) if you are interested in joining!
PPC Mission: To assist the Pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish; to assess adequately the needs of the whole Parish and its members, and to assist the Pastor in the development and implementation of a pastoral plan which will promote the common good of the Parish; to foster unity and a sense of community in the Parish and to coordinate all Parish activities in a manner that will best serve the interests of Saint Julia Parish.