“To those victims and their families, we beg forgiveness and assure them that the Catholic Church is working to create a safe environment for young people in our Churches, schools and agencies. It must never be business as usual, but rather a firm commitment of every diocese, parish and school to do all we can to avoid the mistakes of the past and create safeguards for the future.”– Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley
Contact Cindy Harrington for more information, including training schedules!
All VIRTUS training programs, including the “Protecting God’s Children”, are comprehensive and multidimensional—incorporating proven best practice standards for the prevention of child sexual abuse by clergy, staff, volunteers, and others who interact with children within the church environment. Our training programs incorporate instructor-led training, awareness videos, and ongoing web-based training through online training bulletins and training modules via our VIRTUS Online system.
The program is designed particularly for those adults who have custodial care of children as part of their duties. Training in the signs and symptoms that indicate a child is being abused in some way, and how to talk with children about these issues will also be included, as will training in the responsibilities of mandated reporting and the archdiocese’s policies and procedures for preventing child abuse. An online component called VIRTUS On-Line will provide continued training through monthly bulletins and annual re-certification.
Who should attend a VIRTUS training?
Ministries required to be trained in VIRTUS: “Protecting God’s Children”
- Babysitters — individuals who care for young children during Sunday Mass, meetings etc.
- CAP Team – parishioners who serve on the parish Child Abuse Protection Team.
- Home Chore Program — helpers who go into homes of the elderly and disabled to clean, shop, carry out repairs
- Ministry to the Dying — respite care givers, house cleaners, babysitters and others who minister to those at the end of life and their families.
- Music Ministry — choir directors, coordinators of children and youth music programs, helpers and others who have contact with children and youth including adult choir members if children or youth regularly or occasionally sing or play instruments in the choir.
- Parish Health Care — nurses, home health aides. drivers and any others who volunteer to serve the sick of the parish. Pastoral Visitation To The Sick And Homebound Eucharistic Ministers, friendly visitors, pastoral visitors and others who minister in the name of the community, to the sick, homebound or disabled in their homes or at a care facility.
- Religious Education — catechists, substitute teachers, assistants, babysitters and other Religious Education support staff serving the children and youth of the parish.
- Saint Vincent de Paul Society — members providing services to children, youth, elderly or the disabled, including members making home visits.
- Scouting — leaders and others involved with Boy Scout or Girl Scout Troops IF the parish charters the troop.
- Worship Ministry — Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, and ushers.
- Youth Ministry — CORE, chaperones, leaders, drivers, instructors, coordinators, coaches, referees and others who serve parish youth.
Contact Cindy Harrington for more information, including training schedules!