BUILD THE FAITH Rosaries Help to Build Churches On Sunday, April 6th, after St. Julia's morning Masses at 9:30 and 11:30 am, representatives from Build the Faith, Inc. (BTF) will be selling rosaries made by youth and local volunteers. Also on this day, St. Julia's 6th and 7th Grade Faith Formation … [Read more...]
FAITH Formation: Volunteer Catechists Needed! Fall Classes Have Begun for All Grades
FAITH FORMATION Fall Youth Classes are Underway... October classes will be held at the St. Julia Parish Center at these times: Sunday, October 20th: All grades, 10:25 -11:25 am Monday, October 21st: Grades 1—5, 2:45 -3:45pm Sunday, October 27th: Grades 1—6 (No Confirmation … [Read more...]
JOIN: A Lenten Small Group and Seek Jesus Together!
Don't Do Lent Alone! Small Groups have formed and are underway! Lenten Small Groups meet for 6 weeks, beginning the first/second week of Lent. Have you tried to pray more or read Scripture for Lent, only to fall short of your goal? A small group gives us supportive and encouraging communities that … [Read more...]
Virtual GOF Event this Saturday: NPH Pequeño Tour Oct. 24
2020: Generations of Faith and NPH USA Pequeño Tour Go Virtual Together October 24th at 6:30pm | Sign up and join the fun with a Trivia team! Join the St. Julia parish community for our annual inter-generational family faith formation event. With this unprecedented year, we invite families … [Read more...]
Boston Archdiocese: NO Masses as of 3.14.20
Message from the Archdiocese of Boston March 13, 2020 Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap, Archbishop of Boston, has made the decision effective immediately to TEMPORARILY SUSPEND ALL daily and Sunday Masses and religious services in the Archdiocese of Boston until further notice. This begins at 4 … [Read more...]
Lenten Scripture Series Starts Feb. 27
ADULT LENTEN SCRIPTURE SERIES RETURNS! Presented by Fr. Robert Braunreuther, SJ ALL ARE WELCOME! (You won't have to give up your morning coffee...) 6 Thursday Mornings of Lent: February 27 - April 2, 2020 10am - 11:30am at the St. Julia Parish Center Hall, Weston Free to all; coffee will … [Read more...]
Café Julia: A Community of Faith Built
A Presentation by Monica Dangond, Build the Faith Foundation Sunday, January 12, 2020 during Café Julia @ 10 am - 11:30 am, Parish Center Hall ALL ARE WELCOME to hear Monica Dangond share how the creation of her Build the Faith foundation, inspired by her deceased daughter, Christina … [Read more...]
NPH 2020 Mission Trip: Register by Dec. 20
Give a gift of a lifetime: Help transform the lives of children! Immersion Trip to NPH Dominican Republic with St. Julia’s Parish Travel Dates: April 18 - 24, 2020 (Registration Deposits DUE: December 20, 2019) St Julia's parish is partnering with NPH, (Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos means our … [Read more...]
Advent Meditation
ADVENT GOSPEL MEDITATION: Fourth Sunday - December 22, 2019 Each Advent season, we prepare to welcome Jesus into the inns and stables of our hearts. But Jesus’ coming wasn’t welcomed by everyone with choirs of angels. For St. Joseph, the first coming of Jesus was a bit more complicated. “When his … [Read more...]
Donate to Families in Need
Annual Thanksgiving Basket Service Project Donate by November 24, 2019! We will be collecting food and monetary donations to provide 30 families with a tasty Thanksgiving Dinner. Grade Levels Please Bring: Grade 1: Cans of corn Grades 2 and 3: Cans of Green Beans Grade 4: … [Read more...]