Update: February 18th
Thanks to all who have contributed
to our Grand Annual.
We are almost there!
Only $11,500 left to reach our
goal. Contributions of any size
are welcome. Remember we
are aiming for 100% participation.
Update: Jan 21st
Improvements to the Buildings: 48,881
Improvements in Process: 12,078
Total Improvements: 60,959
Net Income: 29,740
Income is greater than the expected 50% of the annual budget primarily because we have already received 83% of the budgeted Grand Annual amount. This is good news but Offertory is still trying to catch up from the summer decrease. Right now it is $8,100 behind the budgeted weekly amount for 26 weeks. Rental fees will probably not make the budgeted amount because we no longer have a priest in residence for whom rent was paid by the diocese. Most of the faith formation fees for Grades 1 – 10 have been collected so we will not make budget there either. But the good news is that we did exceed our assessment for the annual Catholic Appeal and our rebate should be about $10,000 over budget.
Staff continues to carefully monitor expenses so we are hopeful that we will break even by June 30th. We have spent almost $61,000 on capital improvements: new windows for the rectory, exterior painting and repairs to the chimney and roof of St. Joseph Church. At the half way mark, we are showing a net income of $29,740. This will decrease over the next 6 months as contributions to the Grand Annual slow down.
We are grateful to all who have already contributed to the Grand Annual and invite those who have not yet done so to prayerfully consider what they are able to give. The parish receives a regular and consistent income stream from the 100 or so parishioners who give electronically through their bank, a charitable giving account or our online giving program. To learn more about our online giving program, please visit our website and click on the Online Giving tab.
Update: Jan 14th
We are almost there! We will reach our Grand Annual Goal with an additional $50,000.
The Offertory is an average of $301/wk behind budget. We have reduced the deficit over the last couple of months from $21,000 to $8,000. Let’s keep this up.
Thank you to all who continue to give so generously. We have also increased the number of online givers in the last month.
Please consider joining this group so that we have consistent cash flow from the Offertory.
Jan 7th:
We are almost there! We will reach our Grand Annual Goal with an additional $57,000.
The Offertory is an average of $570/wk behind budget. We have reduced the deficit over the last couple of months from $21,000 to $15,000. Let’s keep this up.
Thank you to all who continue to give so generously. We have also increased the number of online givers in the last month. Please consider joining this group so that we have consistent cash flow from the Offertory.