*Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22. See the St. Julia Schedule of Ash Wednesday Masses & Services.
What are you doing for Lent this year?
As you may know, Lent is a time to consider how well we are living our lives of faith, through Prayer, Sacrament, and Scripture. The Church sets aside this time of the year for us to grow closer to Christ, by shedding those habits and attitudes that keep Him away, and embracing the virtues that invite Him in.
This year, St. Julia will be hosting a series of Prayer Events on the latter Thursdays in Lent, as a complement to our Scripture Groups.
This series will offer different Prayer experiences, all aimed to help you on your Lenten Journey. Each session will be held at St. Julia Church in Weston and start at 7pm.
- March 9 – First Lenten Meditation based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
- March 16 – Liturgy of the Hours
- March 23 – Second Lenten Meditation based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
- March 30 – Eucharistic Adoration, with a Meditation from deMello’s “Wellsprings”
To see what these Prayer Meditations were like:
CLICK HERE for the March 9 Meditation (Meditation based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius)
CLICK HERE for the March 16 Meditation (Eucharistic Adoration with the Liturgy of the Hours)
CLICK HERE for the March 23 Meditation (Meditation on the Two Standards)
We hope that you can join us for one, several, or each of these evenings.
To find out more information, ask questions, or just say “Hi!,” please reach out to Deacon Phil at director.of.ministries@stjulia.org.
“A clean heart create for me, O God,
and a steadfast spirit renew within me.
Cast me not out from your presence,
and your Holy Spirit take not from me.”
— Psalm 51