Thank you to all who attended our information evening this past week!
Please stay tuned for updates on our NPH Partnership!
Information Evening Tuesday 15th, 7pm Parish Center
Learn about Proposed St Julia’s trip to NPH Dominican Republic! Join St Julia’s (youth and adults) families welcome from June 16 – 21st, 2019 to experience firsthand how NPH transforms the lives of vulnerable children.
As our journey begins with our association with NPH USA, partnership opportunities for St. Julia Parish offers tangible ways to help break the cycle of poverty of thousands of children. The impact of our connection with NPH USA will be felt for generations. As a Church Partner the parish commits to promoting NPH USA’s mission and finding sponsors for children in need. Through our partnership, our parish will have an opportunity to put our faith in action, while raising funds for and awareness of vulnerable children. All members of our parish can be involved by responding to the call to care for our brothers and sisters in need, and put our social justice mission into action.
In January, 2019 the parish will begin a Sponsorship program involving service trips, events and child sponsorships. More information will be shared over the following weeks, which will highlight NPH USA’s mission of transforming lives through nutrition, education, spiritual guidance, health care, clothing and home maintenance.
This organization does fabulous work and we want to sponsor a group to travel to one of the orphanages in the Dominican Republic in early summer. The dates of the Parish trip are June 16th – 21st.While this life-changing trip is not limited to our young people we would like to encourage their participation. Fr Mark is planning to attend a fact finding trip to Honduras in February to learn more about the lives of these children and the adults who take care of them. The parish trip in June will build on this knowledge and help us to build a meaningful connection with our brothers and sisters in the South. An informational meeting is scheduled Tuesday January 15th at 7pm, upstairs in the Parish Center Additionally, In the Fall of 2019, families in Lincoln and Weston will have the opportunity to sponsor directly one child served by NPH when we host “pequenos” from Mexico to be present for a weekend at our Masses.