UPDATE: St. Julia has already reached 90% of our goal of Thanksgiving Tins contributions! THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO ARE GIVING!
Can you help us reach 100% of our families in need?
Please consider sharing your gratitude for abundance and donating to a family in need of a Thanksgiving meal this year, through our annual charitable Thanksgiving project – now called the ‘Thanksgiving Tins’ – facilitated by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s (SVDP) Lincoln Food Pantry.
Due to the pandemic, local families are in need more than ever, and St. Julia parish has had to make several modifications to how students and adults in our parish participate in the assembly of donations of turkeys and trappings for an entire meal and delivering them. We hope many will join our Lincoln SVDP Food Pantry to support our community in a safe way.
Click here for details on what and how to contribute! To make a monetary donation to the food pantry, or to learn more about the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, St. Joseph Conference and their charitable work, please click here.
We are so grateful for the generosity of those who can share their abundance with others.