The 10:10 Challenge Continues this Fall!
Final Session is Mon. October 14 @ 7pm
Are you looking for new ways to deepen your relationship with the risen Jesus, who comes to us in Eucharist, Scripture and Prayer? In John 10:10, Jesus tells us why He came: “that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
Deacon Phil is restarting “The 10:10 Challenge” from The Evangelical Catholic, that began this past Spring for just that purpose! If you were unable to join us for the first five sessions, you are still welcome to join this Fall series! (Reach out to Deacon Phil at deacon.phil@stjulia.org and he will make sure that you are prepared for the upcoming Fall session.)
The “10:10 Challenge” guides us through a season of growth in the abundant life that comes from Jesus. The Challenge asks us to set aside 10 weeks (5 weeks in Spring, 5 weeks this Fall) of intentional prayer. We will practice, and then discuss, the ways of life that Jesus lived, and which make up the pathway of discipleship.
Sessions will be offered simultaneously online via Zoom and in person in the St. Julia Parish Hall Conference Room. Please contact Deacon Phil to register, or with questions! The first of five sessions begins Monday, September 16 – October 14 at 7pm. Invite a friend!