A Presentation by Monica Dangond, Build the Faith Foundation
Sunday, January 12, 2020 during Café Julia @ 10 am – 11:30 am, Parish Center Hall
ALL ARE WELCOME to hear Monica Dangond share how the creation of her Build the Faith foundation, inspired by her deceased daughter, Christina Dangond Lacouture, is building the faith through one bead at a time – by creating beaded rosaries to both honor Christina, and to raise funds for those in need. Ms. Dangond will make a presentation of her foundation’s work during Café Julia (in our Parish Center Hall) and also during Faith Formation classes, which will include 7th and 8th graders making rosary beads. Please join Monica as she shares her story and the growth in faith that has been made possible by the Grace of God.
(From Monica’s presentation): Christina Dangond Lacouture was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on December 12, 2012 at the age of 6 years. During her long fight against cancer, Christina gave us a beautiful testimony of strength, courage and an unbreakable faith in God. She taught us that it is indeed possible to live through the most difficult situations in life with a beautiful smile and a profound confidence in Jesus, always saying “Jesus I trust in you.” We believe it is possible to confront the difficult moments in life with the peace, love and strength that are derived from an unbreakable faith in God. In Christina’s memory, we continue the mission of charity and love for our neighbor inspired by Jesus Christ.
Photos (see below) from Ms. Monica Dangond’s Jan. 12,2020 presentation at Café Julia gave a lovely testimony to the “Build the Faith” organization, inspired by her late daughter, Christina, a lovely young lady who always shared her belief “Jesus, I trust you.” Students in Grades 3, 7 and 8, as well as many adults, made rosaries that were to be sold, with proceeds going towards various projects geared toward spreading the Catholic Faith.
To learn more about Monica Dangond’s foundation, Build the Faith, and their work, please go to: