St.Julia Parish Announcements: Week of February 17, 2025
(BULLETIN NOTICES should be proposed, by e-mail if possible, to the Parish Office by Monday mornings to:
• RECEIVE our weekly Bulletin announcements by email! Sign up here:
• FOLLOW Us on Social Media:
Facebook: “Saint Julia Parish – Weston & Lincoln”
Instagram: “St Julia Parish – Weston & Lincoln”
YouTube: @St. JuliaParish
• WATCH Masses streamed live daily, or archived recordings online.
Give Online Today! DONATE Easily Online to St. Julia’s OFFERTORY!
We encourage parishioners to use the above “Give Online” blue button to easily donate to our weekly Offertory, or to conveniently make automatic recurring donations of your choosing. To mail your donation, please make a check payable to: St. Julia Parish, 374 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA 02493.
Our parish relies on your generosity and donations to maintain our two church buildings and programs. WE THANK ALL who continue to donate and sustain us!
BECOME a St. Julia Parishioner and Join Our Faith Community
Would you and/or your family like to become parishioners of St. Julia? We welcome you!
Please go to the “Become a Parishioner” page of our website to complete a brief questionnaire and register you/your family so that we can get to know you and reach out! Thank you for joining us!
MASSES for Prayers and Intentions
Unable to attend Mass in church?
WATCH daily and weekend Masses live-streamed or archived recordings, along with the Worship Aid on our Homepage.
Go to the Mass Schedule (upcoming Ash Wednesday Masses) page for both church locations, and upcoming Holy Day(s) of Obligation.
Mon. 2/17 – 8AM: Ruth Mary Donahue
WOULD YOU like the Eucharist to be Brought to You?
If you or a loved one have been unable to receive Communion due to a short term illness (broken leg, surgery, etc.), or for longer, please reach out to us to schedule a Home Visit with Jesus. Visiting the Sick is a Corporal Work of Mercy, a tradition that dates back to the early Church. One of our trained Eucharistic Ministers will visit with you, and administer to you the Body of Christ.
To schedule a Home Visit, please contact us at 781-899-2611 or
CELEBRATE St. Patrick with St. Julia Saturday, March 15, 2025
5PM at St. Julia Center Hall
Please join us and fellow parishioners to celebrate following afternoon Mass @ 5PM in St. Julia Parish Center Hall.
All are welcome to enjoy a shared meal with our parish community of potato cheddar soup, grilled Ruben and Rachel sandwiches, salads and assorted desserts! Wear your green!!
To ensure we have plenty of food, Please RSVP by either calling the parish office at 781-899-2611, or email: with the number of your family attending.
Donations of $10.00/adults and $5.00/child will be greatly appreciated in helping to offset the cost of the event.
CATHOLIC Appeal 2025
Moving Forward in Faith…Together
WATCH Video: Message from Archbishop Henning
One of the most meaningful ways that we deepen the impact of our Archdiocese’s schools, parishes, and ministries is by supporting the Catholic Appeal. Your partnership and participation carry Christ’s love into our communities and spread hope.
Many of you may have received a letter from Archbishop Richard Henning requesting your support of the 2025 Catholic Appeal. We hope that you will respond to his invitation with a generous gift, knowing that each contribution makes a difference! Your early support will help launch our parish campaign in a positive way.
The Appeal is a primary means by which we enfold our brothers and sisters into Christ’s circle of care. On behalf of Archbishop Henning and all who benefit from your generosity, Thank you.
To make an on-line donation or to learn more about the impact your donation will have, visit:
NO Classes (end of School Vacation Week): Feb. 23 and Mon., Feb. 24
Sunday, March 2: Grades 1-6, and Confirmation Prep; Grade 8/9 Hosts 9:30am Mass (class afterwards)
Sunday, March 3: Grades 1-5
DON’T Miss!
St. Paul Center Scholars: Scott Hahn & John Bergsma
Saturday, April 5 @ 8AM – 3PM at St. Mary’s Parish, Waltham
Don’t miss this exciting event based on the study of scripture from the heart of the Church with two of today’s most respected scholars and leaders from the St. Paul Center. Founder/President, Scott Hahn, and Vice President, John Bergsma will speak at St. Mary’s Parish in Waltham, MA on Saturday, April 5, 2025. Join for a full day of fellowship that includes dynamic speaker presentations, as well as a raffle, adoration, and vigil Mass!
The St. Paul Center is a resource for education in Christian discipleship through digital courses, scripture studies, events, books, and more.
Tickets are $35. Location: St. Mary’s Church, 133 School St. Waltham MA.
For a full schedule of the day, information on the speakers, location and registration, go to St. Paul Center’s website:LEARN MORE/REGISTER HERE.
NEW Online Link to Quick Food Donations to SVdP Pantry!
Please consider helping by donating non-perishables for the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Food Pantry! Cereal, pasta sauce, gluten-free items and condiments are especially needed now.
CLICK HERE for our quick way to donate via Amazon!
OR – Scan the QR Code below which will take you directly to Amazon donation:
Collection at St. Julia Church 9:30am Masses
Food donations will still be collected at each 9:30am Mass. We invite all families with children to participate in this important ministry! Thank you for your support!!
DID You Know SVdP offers MORE THAN a Food Pantry?
As many of you know, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Lincoln and Weston operates a food pantry, but did you know we also offer emergency support for neighbors who are experiencing difficult times, or those seeking vocational or technical educational opportunities? We also hold special events during the year, like the Thanksgiving Gift Card Drive, the Christmas Giving Tree, and the Spring Concert. We are neighbors helping neighbors and welcome your support! Please consider a donation today, and feel free to contact us with any questions or if you’d like to be involved.
For more information or to donate, please visit our website:
VOLUNTEER Opportunity for Bristol Lodge
Once a month, a group of dedicated volunteers cook dinner for 80 men at
the Bristol Lodge Men’s Shelter in Waltham MA. I would love to grow my list of volunteers! People may be asked to make a casserole, salad, and, at times, deliver food to the shelter. We meet at 4pm on the third Sunday of the month.
If you’d like to be added to my list of volunteers, please email me, Jackie Athas: Your help is much appreciated!
BLESSED Carlo Acutis to Become First Millennial Saint
Born in London and raised in Milan, Carlo’s wealthy parents were not particularly religious. Upon receiving his first communion at age seven, Carlo became a frequent communicant, making a point of praying before the tabernacle before or after every Mass.
After school hours, he volunteered his time with the city’s homeless and destitute. Considered a computer geek by some, Carlo spent four years creating a website dedicated to cataloguing every reported Eucharistic miracle around the world. He called the Eucharist “My highway to heaven.” He also enjoyed films, comics, soccer, and playing popular video games.
Diagnosed with leukemia, Carlo offered his sufferings to God for the intentions of the sitting Pope— Benedict XVI—and the entire Church. Carlo died at the age of 15 in 2006 and was beatified in 2020.
Pope Francis will canonize Blessed Carlo Acutis during the Jubilee of Teenagers on April 25-27, 2025. Divine Mercy Sunday is April 27. Carlos Acutis’ Feast day will be October 12. (Learn more at:
WORLDWIDE Marriage Encounter:
The Presentation of Lord
“The Lord God says I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, the Lord whom you seek and the messenger whom you desire. For he is like the refiner’s fire. He will sit refining and purifying silver, and will purify the sons of Levi.” – Malachi 3:1-4
The messenger, Jesus, can refine and purify our marriage. As you seek and trust him, He will show you the way. Attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter ( can help refine and purify your marriage. It can help you in your communication, teach you many skills, and also help you to grow in intimacy and in faith with one another.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter sponsors a variety of in-person and virtual marriage experiences, some on weekends and some on seven weekdays. Couples explore their relationship with each other, God, and the Church.
Sign up for one of these in-person Experiences:
• March 21-23, 2025, Burlington VT
• April 25-27, 2025 in East Sandwich, MA
Registration is limited; there is a $100 application fee.
For more information or to apply, call Matt & Julie King at 978-870-5646 or go to the website.
DO YOU Like Organizing Parties and Social Gatherings?
Join Our Hospitality and Parish Social Committee
St. Julia is looking for assistance in organizing and hosting Parish Events during the year. Past socials have provided a valuable means of deepening bonds in our community. If you are interested please contact us at 781-899-2611 or email Parish Office.
GOD Needs Priests! Is He Calling You?
Come Visit on a First Friday: March 7, 2025
If you are 30-60, you may be surprised…
Explore the possibility with a ‘First Friday Visit’ at the Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston MA, where you can discern if God is calling you.
In-person visits include Holy Hour and Evening Prayer at 5PM, dinner with seminarians and tour of the Seminary. Virtual visits include a live-stream of Holy Hour followed by a Zoom visit (link provided at registration.)
Upcoming Next First Friday Visit: April 4, 2025
To Register: Contact Msgr. William Fay (781) 899-5500, ext. 134 or email:
Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, 558 South Ave. Weston MA
SEEKING Eucharistic Ministers for the Homebound
Are you a parishioner who would like to bring Christ to the homebound by being a Eucharistic Minister?
If you are interested in providing this vital sacramental service to those who wish to receive Communion but unable to attend Mass, please contact the parish office at 781-899-2611 or Parish Office by email.
YOU Can Make a Difference!
Seeking Volunteer Drivers in Lincoln for Senior Meals on Wheels
Feel the joy of impacting someone’s life directly! Here is an ideal opportunity during Lent to give back to the community and brighten the lives of many homebound older adults. Join the team of Minuteman Senior Services volunteers who have served older adults and their caregivers for over 45 years in Acton, Arlington, Bedford, Boxborough, Burlington, Carlisle, Concord, Harvard, Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, Maynard, Stow, Wilmington, Winchester and Woburn.
Minuteman Senior Services needs help to deliver meals from 11am to 1pm on weekdays, once a week or twice a month (mileage can be submitted for reimbursement).
If you are interested or have questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Yuen Li at or call 781-221-7093.
For more
Adoration will be held onFridays, 12PM – 1PM at St. Julia Church
SEEKING the Adult Sacraments of Initiation?
Are you thinking of joining the Catholic Church? Do you need to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Communion?
We warmly welcome you, and we have an RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process designed for you! To find out more, please contact Deacon Rafe through the Parish Office.
Give Online Today!
THANK YOU for giving your offertory online!
Our parish relies on your generosity and donations to maintain our two church buildings and programs. We encourage you to use the above “Give Online” button to donate to our offertory to easily make a recurring donation. To mail your donation, please make a check payable to: St. Julia Parish, 374 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA 02493
WE THANK ALL who continue to donate and sustain us!
CONTACT US: Parish Office
374 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA 02493
OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Parish Center Conference Room, Saturday: 3:00 – 3:45 PM
By request after the 4:00 PM Saturday Mass; or contact Parish Office.
Fridays in St. Julia Church, from Noon – 1:00 PM (except during July and August)
Contact Parish Office to notify of anyone ill, home-bound or hospitalized.
After each daily Mass; ask for link at
Please contact the Parish Office in advance to make arrangements.