Join us for a Virtual Workshop
GOD’S PLAN(ET): Heal our Common Home and Respond to the Cry of the Poor
Saturday, March 12 @11am – 12:30pm EST
Co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston Social Justice Ministry, the Diocese of Worcester Environmental Stewardship Ministry and the Boston Catholic Climate Movement.
Join us to learn more about environmental justice and how we are called by Catholic Social Teaching to care for our brothers and sisters by caring for our Common Home. Hear about actions Catholics are taking to build the Vatican’s “Laudato Si’ Action Platform” globally and right here in Massachusetts in response to the Pope’s encyclical.
Learn from nationally known keynote speakers and examples of ACTIONS underway at parishes will be presented, as well as resources and opportunities for collaboration.
“There’s No Place like Home: Embracing Faith and Earth”
Gary Gardner, Keynote Speaker
Researcher at Worldwatch Institute and GreenFaith and author of The Earth Cries Out: How Faith Communities Meet the Challenges of Sustainability.
“How to Promote Laudato Si’ Action in Your Home and Parish”
Paz Artaza-Regan, Keynote Speaker
Program Manager of Catholic Climate Covenant, oversees the Creation Care Team network, and coordinates the US Catholic Church’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform efforts.
Registration link here and details from the event flyer!