Jacqueline Ashba
Director of Faith Formation: Grades 1-6 and Confirmation-Prep
Email: jashba@st.julia.org 781-899-8434
Saint Julia Parish Center
Jackie has an extensive background in Catholic education, spiritual development, and administration. She worked for over 1o years at Our Lady’s Academy in Waltham, as both the Religion Teacher and Director of the After School Program. Jackie holds degrees from Clark University, Boston University of Public Health and School of Medicine, St. John’s Seminary, and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Boston College. Jackie is a mother of two children and enjoys biking, hiking, swimming, and family vacations in Maine.
Ann Beré
St. Julia and Faith Formation Secretary
Email: abere@stjulia.org 781-899-4734
Saint Julia Parish Center: Faith Formation Office
Ann Beré serves a pivotal role in supporting the organization and operations of our Religious Education program, as well as providing support to the parish office on Fridays. Ann comes to us with over 4 years experience working as Assistant to the Director of Faith Formation at St. Joseph Church in Belmont, 7 years as a 2nd grade catechist and many years working in the Belmont elementary school system. A mother of 3 children, Ann lives in Belmont with her husband and is a big fan of the Red Sox.